Class Information
Tuition is based on classes enrolled per semester (classes meet 14 times per semester)
Tuition can be either paid in full or paid on a monthly basis (broken up into 3 equal payments due Feb 1, April 1, May 1)
Multiple siblings enrolled receive a 10% discount off the total amount
Tuition includes student’s t-shirt, all class materials, and end of semester showcase.
Required Class Attire
Actors: Any clothing to move in, shoes to move in
Vocalists: Any comfortable clothing/shoes
Dancers: Any comfortable clothing to dance in (leggings, athletic attire, etc), any color jazz shoes
Tappers: Any comfortable clothing to dance in, any color tap shoes
Important Dates
Jan. 15: Classes Begin
March 2: ACT Theatre for Youth Festival (Triple Threat Troupe only)
March 18-22: No classes (Spring Break)
May 1: Last day of classes
May 3: Spring Showcase
May TBA: Community Performance (Triple Threat Troupe only)